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Biochemic Medicine



• What Are The Cell Salts?

• Why Are They Important?

• Who Needs Them?

• How Can They Affect Your Health?


Look Inside And Put The Cell Salts To Work For You….

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In the mid-19th century, WH Schuessler, a scientist, developed a healing modality still in use today.

Biochemic Medicine is based on the 12 basic minerals found in the body (determined from human ash).

Schuessler prepared the minerals for easy absorption and called them Cell Salts. He established that a deficiency of any one salt results in illness or disease, the symptoms depend upon which salt is missing. Replacing the appropriate Cell Salt/s restores wellness.

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Biochemic Medicines and Cell Salts

In the mid-1800’s, Dr. WH Schuessler, a scientist, recognized that an imbalance of the body’s 12 essential inorganic compounds resulted in disease.

He developed a healing system using them called Biochemic Medicine. According to Schuessler, this system has 3 basic principles:

1. The human body contains twelve essential mineral (tissue) salts, a correct balance of which must be maintained to ensure normal cell function and the maintenance of good health.

2. Any disruption to this balance results in illness.

3. A normal balance of these vital mineral salts can be re-established by giving the deficient mineral as a cell salt. The salts pass rapidly into the bloodstream and the cells.

For rapid assimilation, each of the 12 minerals is prepared homeopathically, yielding the cell salts.1 They appear here in alphabetical order.

Biochemic Medicines and Cell Salts


1 “Homeopathically” means the minerals are prepared using a special process that makes them highly absorbable. The resulting little tablets dissolve under the tongue and go directly into the bloodstream. Cell salts are measured in potencies. Most common are 3x or 6x. For more information, see Nutrition News “Homeopathy”.

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Calcarea fluorica, fluoride of lime, is a constituent of all connective tissues. These tissues run through muscles, support the walls of the blood vessels, form part of the skin, and cover the bones and organs. Tooth enamel is also formed from this salt.

Lack of elasticity (a general flabbiness) is the key symptom of a need for Calc. fluor.2

This flabbiness is not superficial but indicates prolapsed organs and varicose veins. There can also be muscular weakness and bearing-down pains. Not surprisingly, it is an important salt for expectant mothers, preventing a saggy abdomen and promoting the suppleness of the tissues for easy delivery.

Calc. fluor. is also essential in forming the arachnoid, a spider-web-like membrane which covers the brain.

In a deficiency, arachnoid filaments become flabby, resulting in poor memory or forgetfulness. Other symptoms include piles, sluggish circulation, a tendency to cracks in the skin, rough and sensitive teeth, and looseness of teeth in their sockets. A lack of Calc. fluor. also shows itself as extreme tiredness which no amount of rest relieves.



2 Throughout the newsletter the names of the cell salts are capitalized because that is the way they appear on their labels.

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Calcarea phosphorica, phosphate of lime, is regular calcium. The “tissue salt of nutrition” is important to the gastric juices. Undigested food ferments in the stomach and intestines, forming acids and toxins. These accumulate around the joints, causing the swelling and pain we know as rheumatism.

Because calcium forms the bones and teeth, Calc. phos. is useful where there is bone weakness (e.g., slow mending fractures and recurring problems with the teeth).

An important remedy for children, it aids in normal growth and development and is indicated in the treatment of slow development. It is used during pregnancy to ensure that  both mother and baby receive enough building material.

Further indications for Calc. phos. include convalescence, poor circulation, cramps or spasms with numbness (not shooting pains), spinal curvature, deep ulcers, neuralgias with numbness, some cases of obesity, sore breasts and chronic ovaritis, night sweats, some cases of epilepsy, and anemia in young girls. Those who get cold easily need 30x.

It can be difficult for the body to assimilate calcium. An effective means of getting enough is by taking Calc. phos., which is absorbed directly into the bloodstream when taken sublingually. Recommended potencies are 6x or a mixture of 3-200x.

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Calcium sulfate is common plaster. Prepared as a cell salt, it becomes a blood purifying and healing agent.

It works mainly in the liver and in the connective tissues. In the liver, it hastens the destruction of worn out red blood cells, facilitating their elimination from the body. When not eliminated, skin eruptions such as acne are a common result.

When the lack extends to the connective tissues, deep abscesses or chronically oozing ulcers can develop. This unhealthy condition leads to slowed healing.

Thus, Calc. sulph. is indicated in all conditions arising from impure blood. These include pimples, acne, boils, carbuncles, gumboils, disorders of the pancreas and kidneys, chronic diarrhea, catarrhs,3 and a constant discharge of pus from any part.

Another function of Calc. sulph. is keeping the coating of vascular surfaces healthy. The coating inside the stomach keeps that organ from being deteriorated by the digestive juices. When there is a deficiency, ulcers are formed.

The mouth, eyeballs, nasal passages, throat, esophagus, bladder, colon, and all other surfaces of the body which contact moisture, need the protective presence of Calc. sulph.

Calc. sulph. is also indicated in cases of frontal headache, neuralgia in the elderly, extreme touchiness of nerves, and heightened sensitivity. Suggested doses vary with age and condition.



3 This old-fashioned medical phrase is often found in homeopathic and herbal texts. It indicates the inflammation of any mucous membrane when accompanied by a discharge, e.g., hay fever.

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Ferrum phosphoricum, phosphate of iron, is called the oxygen-carrier because it carries oxygen within the bloodstream.

Ferrum phos. activates various functions including releasing energy from food. It also strengthens the arterial walls while a lack causes them to become weak and congested.

The two primary indications for Ferrum Phos. are inflammation and fever. Others are congestion, injuries and hemorrhage, insomnia, sore throat, lumbago, heart palpitations, emotional disturbances, colds and chills, rheumatism, fractures, cuts, sprains, bruises, anemia, depression, listlessness, discouragement, and dull, throbbing headaches.

The need for Ferrum phos. in such a variety of bodily disorders stems from its ability to carry oxygen to the affected part. 

This enables waste and toxins to be carried away. This oxygenating ability makes Ferrum Phos. effective in first-aid situations. It can be administered in the early stages of most acute disorders, including hemorrhaging.

The Biochemic Handbook suggests that Ferrum phos. be given at 10 minute intervals until the symptoms subside. By dissolving three doses to half cupful of water, the salt can be applied directly to bleeding wounds, cuts, or abrasions.

Ferrum phos. can be used to advantage by alternating doses with any other indicated remedy.

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The outstanding role of Kali muriaticum, potassium chloride, is its capacity to combine with fibrin4, a protein substance found in every tissue in the body, except bone.

When there is a deficiency of Kali mur., fibrin becomes non-functional and is thrown off in the form of thick, white discharges. Lack of Kali Mur. also causes sluggish liver and general sluggishness.

Kali mur. is indicated in cases of catarrh, congestion of the bronchial tubes, swollen glands, mumps, sore throats, enlarged rheumatic joints, swollen tonsils, and children’s diseases such as measles and chickenpox. (It will prevent scarring.)

It can also be useful in oozing eczema as well as in croupy conditions such as pneumonia and bronchitis, eye discharge, granulation of the eyelids, warts on the hands, shingles, acne, and dull, aching pains in any part of the body.

In treating children’s diseases, Kali mur. should be used in combination with Ferrum phos. It is also used with Ferrum phos. at the first sign of a cold and with burns.

Combinations with other cell salts include Calc. sulph. for general cleansing and purifying of the blood and Silica to greatly lessen scarring.



4 Fibrin is a normal constituent of the healthy body which, like cholesterol, can increase such that, as fibrinogen, it becomes a marker for cardiovascular disease, particularly stroke.

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Kali sulphiricum, potassium sulphate, has three major functions in the body:

1) works with Ferrum Phos. as an oxygen carrier;

2) functions with cells forming the lining of skin and the internal mucous lining of all organs; and,

3) is an antifriction salt which serves as an internal “lubricant”.

A deficiency of Kali sulph. results in tissues that suffer from lack of oxygen, producing a variety symptoms.

These include alternate hot and cold feelings, weariness and heaviness, vague feelings of anxiety or sadness, heavy headaches, indefinite pain in the limbs, and pains that move about the body.

Also Kali sulph. is a third stage inflammatory tissue remedy. It is helpful with bronchitis, and is useful in all inflammatory conditions producing tissue degeneration such as psoriasis, dandruff, and eczema.

A keynote indication for Kali sulph. is the presence of yellow, slimy, sticky discharge from any part of the body. Further, it should be given in all cases of children’s disease where there is rash and scaling. It works with Kali mur. to form new skin.

A secondary keynote indication is a feeling of stuffiness or suffocation when in a warm room that only goes away with cool, fresh air.

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Kali phosphoricum, potassium phosphate, unites with oxygen, albumin, and other salts to form the gray matter of the brain.5 Nerve impulses to all organs of the body are generated in the brain, making the range of symptoms involving Kali Phos. very wide.

We need Kali phos., a nerve nutrient, for clear thinking while a deficiency can initiate nervous disorders. A traditional use is in excited states such as hysteria, melancholy, obsessional fears, and sleep-walking. It is also indicated in anxiety, suspicion, poor memory, despair, general fear, and tearfulness.

Common stress-related conditions are reduced by Kali phos. These include nervous headaches, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, depression, languid weariness, lowered vitality, and grumpiness. “Lack of pep” can be an initial indicator for Kali phos.

Kali phos. is useful in treating brain fatigue and cases of sleeplessness due to brain fatigue or excitement. This makes it a notable remedy for school children and students.

Other presenting symptoms may be fretfulness, ill-humor, bashfulness, timidity, and laziness.

Tantrums are a blatant Kali phos. symptom. Lastly, Kali phos. helps to maintain a happy, contented disposition and to sharpen mental faculties.

​Kali Phos


5 Serum albumin is the major protein in blood plasma. One function is serving as a transporter, carrying particular types of nutrients, hormones, and drugs.

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Found in the blood cells, bones, teeth, brain, nerves and muscle cells, the most important work of Magnesium phosphoricum, magnesium phosphate, is its action on the motor nerves and muscle tissues, insuring smooth, rhythmic, bodily movements.

A deficiency of Mag. phos. causes muscle contractions, resulting in spasms and cramps.

On the other hand, administered as a cell salt, it is a great pain reliever, bringing quick relief from cramping, darting, shooting, and spasmodic types of pain anywhere in the body.

Specifically, Mag. phos. is indicated in nerve pains such as neuralgia, neuritis, headaches with shooting pains, muscular twitching, cramps, hiccups, coughing fits, sudden sharp twinges of pain, writer’s cramp, cholic, squinting, itching over the entire body, profuse perspiration, female problems, and hypertrophy of the prostate.

Mag. phos. acts more rapidly when taken with hot water.6



6 My body is very sensitive to magnesium in all its general supplemental forms, including magnesium oil. (Read “loose bowels”.) I have been using Mag. Phos. for years to supplement my magnesium intake with excellent results.

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Natrium muriaticum is sodium chloride, common table salt. However, homeopathic processing changes its effects on the body.

The tiny particles are absorbed by the saliva. Paradoxically, table salt is too crude for healing use and cannot make up for a deficiency of Nat. Mur. In fact, excess table salt can cause skin disorders and hardening of the arteries. 

All three natrium salts have something to do with fluids. Nat. mur. is the water distributor. Our bodies are 70 percent water. Nat. mur. controls the ebb and flow of the bodily fluids.

By entering into the composition of every fluid and solid of the body, it maintains the proper degree of moisture throughout the system.

The flow of fluids in and out of cells, called endosmosis, nourishes them and clears waste. Without Nat. mur., our cells would starve and the fluids of our bodies would be inert and useless. Nat. mur. dissolves the otherwise insoluble Calc. phos. (calcium) for use by the body.

Excessive moisture or excessive dryness are indicators of an imbalance of fluids, and are  the chief indicators for Nat. mur.

Many symptoms arise from this imbalance. Typical symptoms are low spirits with a feelings of hopelessness; headaches with constipation; blood thin and watery with pallor of the skin; dry constipation; colds and discharge of watery mucus and sneezing; dry, painful nose and throat symptoms; heartburn; toothache and facial neuralgia with flow of tears and saliva; weak eyes and dry eyes; passing water when passing gas; hay fever; drowsiness with muscular weakness; chafing of the skin; hangnails; nonrefreshing sleep; hangovers; loss of taste and smell; craving for salt; and persistent loss of hair with dry scalp. 

Nat. Mur. is also an effective treatment for insect stings. Make a solution and apply locally. 

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Proponents of Chinese medicine and a number of Western nutrition theorists believe that over-acid blood is the basis of nearly all physical disease.

The importance of Natrium phosphoricum, phosphate of soda, is its role in maintaining a healthy alkaline balance and  insuring proper functioning of the digestive system.

Over-acidity is a condition which needs to be addressed before the body will respond to other treatment. Nat. phos. alkalinizes by neutralizing lactic and uric acids.

Over-acidity is the keynote of Nat. phos. deficiency. Symptoms include the swollen joints of rheumatism and gout; yellowish or honey-colored discharge; and sour stomach and other digestive problems.

Nat. phos. is also useful in digestive problems because of its capacity as an emulsifier. This property prevents the thickening of bile in the gall duct, aiding in the assimilation of fats. It is essential in cases of gall stones. Stones will not form if  enough Nat. phos. is present. Formed stones will dissolve in about six months.

Most Nat. phos. conditions are of an acute nature and will respond to the 3x potency.

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Natrium sulphuricum, sodium sulphate, regulates the density of intercellular fluids and rids the body of excess water.

It works with Nat. mur. (the water distributor) to promote balance in the absorption and elimination of water, supporting healthy cell function.

Nat. sulph. removes the toxic fluids that exist as a normal by-product of the body’s chemical reactions. A deficiency of this salt causes a condition of autotoxemia (self-poisoning).

Along with Nat. phos. (above), it is one of the most important salts to the digestive system. Its presence is necessary to the functioning of the liver and to free flowing, healthy bile.

A lack of Nat. sulph. is indicated by chills, fevers, and colds – all natural signs that there is excess water in the system. Plus, it is the primary remedy for influenza.

Nat. sulph. is also indicated by frequent colds and sore throats; diabetic conditions; rheumatic ailments; and by a brownish-green coating on the tongue.

Other symptoms are humid asthma, malaria, and any conditions associated with humidity, including relieving that languid feeling experienced during humid, oppressive weather.

Lastly, people who put on weight in spite of dieting often need Nat. sulph. to carry away excess fluid.

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Silica is silicic oxide, or silicea. A cleansing and eliminating salt, Silica is a constituent of the hair, skin, nails, and surfaces of the bones.

It is also part of all connective tissues covering the brain, spinal cord, and nerve fibers, complementing the actions of Calc. fluor.

It strengthens the nerves and keeps them at the right tension. Sagging  nerves lead to all kinds of nervous disorders. Examples are poor memory; slow, difficult thought; and absent mindedness. In addition, it promotes sound, refreshing sleep.

A deep acting remedy, Silica helps the body to throw off non-functional organic matter from the system.

It has a definitive action on the sweat glands and will restore perspiring when this function is missing. It will also check offensive perspiration of the feet or armpits.

Lastly, Silica is indicated whenever there is pus to be discharged. It is a perfect remedy for sties and embedded splinters.

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Concluding Remarks:

These remarkable and often overlooked remedies are inexpensive. There is no reason not to have them on hand. There is a special combination of all of them called “Bioplasma”. It can be taken daily, alone or with any nutritional supplements. Follow the instructions on the label.