In a recent article from the Natural Products Insider, researchers in Hualien, Taiwan report Long-term consumption of Lactobaccilus casei rhamnosus T cell-1 decreased the incidence of bacterial infection, according to researchers (Vaccine. 2009;27(7):1073-9). The double blind, randomized, control trial evaluated the treatment and prevention of pediatric infectious diseases of three commercial probiotic products. In total 1,062 test subjects, under the age of 5, were distributed randomly into four groups. The investigation showed L. casei rhamnosus can control bacterial, viral and respiratory infections; a multi-species probiotic reduced gastrointestinal disease significantly.
In a related story, the LA Times reporter Elena Conis wrote about The Raw Milk Factor and the debate on raw vs. pasteurized milk.
Raw milk is far more prevalent in Europe than in the U.S. where our food safety practices insist upon killing off all the bacteria in milk before it’s consumed. If you don’t get the good bacteria from your food sources, the only alternative is to supplement your diet with nutritonal probiotic formuals.