Cannabis Plants

SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif.— The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) finalized its cannabis monograph to establish standards for the botanical’s identity, purity, analysis, and quality. The monograph also provides information of cannabis’ cultivation, storage and preparation.

In an historic move, the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP) released the first installation of a two-part Cannabis monograph yesterday that classifies cannabis (marijuana) as a botanical medicine, alongside many other widely accepted Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Written and reviewed by the world’s leading experts, the Cannabis monograph brings together an authoritative compendium of scientific data, including long-awaited standards for the plant’s identity, purity, quality, and botanical properties. The monograph provides a foundation for health care professionals to integrate cannabis therapy into their practices on the basis of a full scientific understanding of the plant, its constituent components, and its biologic effects.

“Cannabis has been used medicinally pretty much throughout the entire timeline of written history, and from archeological evidence, far beyond into antiquity. Virtually every culture who had access to it either from local flora or trade, which was widespread, used it medicinally and recreationally,” said Roy Upton, AHP president.

Set to release by the end of the year, the monograph will offer expert information for growers, caregivers, patients, practitioners, analytical labs, state regulators and researchers. In the future, AHP will publish a Therapeutic Compendium comprehensive review on the plant.

AHP medical director Aviva Romm, M.D., initially suggested AHP pursue a cannabis monograph after seeing patients benefit from the botanical. Since then, 20 states have recognized the botanical’s medical utility to pass medical marijuana laws, but no universal standards have been adopted.

In January, American Herbal Products Association‘s (AHPA) Cannabis Committee drafted regulatory recommendations for medical marijuana dispensing in three states; the committee is a partnership with Americans for Safe Access (ASA), which expressed the need for widespread botanical benchmarks.

“The AHP monograph creates much needed quality assurance standards for States that have medical access laws,” said Steph Sherer, executive director of ASA. “The adoption of these standards will create confidence in the quality and reliability of cannabis therapies for patients and their physicians.”

AHP developed the monograph in collaboration with University of Mississippi, with help from Mahmoud ElSohly, Ph.D., professor of pharmaceutics and cannabis botanical expert.

Further Reading

U.S. Patent on cannabinoids as anti-oxidants and neuro-protectants

Study shows whole herbal cannabis causes cells becoming cancerous to self destruct

Synthetic, fossil fuel base Marinol inferior to natural cannabis

Cancer cure from using cannabis

Juicing cannabis leaves to treat illness

Why The War on Drugs has Failed – An infographic by Paul at Ocean Recovery Centre.

This infographic explains why the war on drugs has failed, and possible alternative policies that could be used to replace the War on Drugs.

As a matter of public health, it doesn’t help to bury one’s head in the sand and ignore solutions. We can ill afford to waste the resources at hand. Changing a failed public policy is a good first step.